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Paparazzi Bracelet ~ Couture-Clutcher - Copper

Paparazzi Bracelet ~ Couture-Clutcher - Copper

Regular price $5.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $5.00 USD
Sale Limited Inventory

Picture yourself walking through a bustling city street, the shiny copper bangle around your wrist glinting in the sunlight. This oversized cuff-like bangle is a statement piece, a modern twist on traditional jewelry. As you navigate through the crowd, the hinged closure keeps it securely in place, adding an air of confidence to your stride. Layered with other copper accessories, it becomes a signature look that sets you apart from the rest. This bracelet tells a story of strength and individuality, a perfect addition to your collection of unique pieces. Whether paired with casual denim or a sleek evening gown, this flat shiny copper bar and airy shiny copper frame are versatile enough to complement any outfit. Make a statement with this bold, modern accessory that demands attention and leaves a lasting impression.

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